Frida Heskebeck
About me
I graduated with a Master's of Science in Biotechnology in 2019 from LTH. The same year, I started as a Ph.D. student at the Department of Automatic Control.
It is a bit unusual to go from Biotechnology to Automatic Control, but this makes me a true Multidisciplinary researcher. I love the challenge it brings to have a different background than the
rest of the group and how different our views are.
If you want to know more about me, take a look at my homepage
I'm part of the research group working with EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces led by Prof. Bo Bernhardsson. My thesis aims to optimize the next generation of Brain-Computer Interfaces using cloud computing.
- Process control and Systems engineering for BKW (lectures).
- Process control and Systems engineering for BKW (exercises and project).
Physiological Models and Computations (seminars and exrecises).
Parental leave, no teaching.
- Process control and Systems engineering for BKW (webinars and project). Received Pedagogical prize for best teaching assistant of the year from the W-guild.
- Assistant supervisor for the Master's thesis by Tom Andersen, Towards BCI-based control.
- Automatic control, basic course for CMN (seminars and lab sessions). Received Pedagogical prize for best teaching assistant of the year from the M-guild.
The Corona pandemic forced us to have online teaching this year. I started webinars, which is a new way of teaching at the department. During a webinar, the students discuss the material from a lecture in an organized way with each other and me. Read more here.
- Process control and Systems engineering for BKW (webinars and project)
- Automatic control, basic course for CMN (webinars and lab sessions)
- Assistant supervisor for the Master's thesis by Johanna Wilroth, Domain Adaptation for Attention Steering. Johanna was awarded a scholarship for her Master's thesis.
- Automatic control, basic course for CMN (exercises and lab sessions)
I was awarded the Pedagogical prize from the W-guild for best teaching assistant of the year. I taught the course Systems Engineering, where I introduced webinars which were highly appreciated by the students. Read more about webinars here. In the picture below, me and Jenny Schelin (teacher of the year) recive our prizes.
Once again, I was rewarded the prize for Best Teaching Assistant of the Year. This time, the student from the M-guild gave me the prize for my teaching in the course Automatic control, basic course.
I was awarded this years scholarship from the Karl-Erik Sahlbergs foundation for my excellent Master's thesis.
Antibodies are target-searching drugs used for the treatment of severe diseases. The use of antibody-based drugs is, among other things, limited by expensive production methods. In Fridas Master's thesis, she gives an excellent description of how advanced process methods can contribute to improved antibody production. The presentation of results and suggestions of 'Future Work' is done excellently in the thesis.

Other activities
- I'm Ph.D. student representative in the Board of the Department of Automatic Control.
- I organized a workshop on workplace equality in two courses, together with Prof. Margret Bauer.