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Eva Westin

Administrative manager

Administrator at the department since November 2008 and administrative manager since December 2017.

I have the overall responsibility for the administration at the department and special responsibility for human resources, guests and conferences. I am the focus period coordinator in Lund for the ELLIIT Focus Periods. I handle part of the administration for the research study program. I'm a member of the board for AI Lund.

I am part of the workplace health and safety team at the department. I am also member of the LTH Faculty Board.

PhD in French linguistics 2003.

Link to Lund University Research Portal

Adress: Ole Römers väg 1, 223 63, Lund

Telefon 046-222 87 87

Rum 3150

Hämtställe 9

Postadress Box 118, 221 00 Lund