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Autonomous Datacenters – AUTODC


Funding: VINNOVA/ITEA 3 årpject

Time Period: 2019-2021

With growth in the data centre market expected to continue, the cost of operating and maintaining the data centre footprint will increase. The aim of AutoDC is to provide an innovative design framework for autonomous data centres to enable ongoing operation and self-healing independent of contextual interference, e.g. intermittent power failure or overheating, without the need for any human intervention. Due to lower maintenance and operation costs, autonomous data centres can become key enablers of markets in developing countries.

The AutoDC project is led by Tor Björn Minde, Ericsson and consists of the following partners:

Austria: AICo Software, Fluxguide

Canada: Ericsson, Mariner Partners, Missing Link Technologies, Saint Mary's University

Finland: Aalto University, Granlund Oy, kW-set Oy, Orbis Oy

Sweden: 5 High Innovations, Clavister, Comsys, Ericsson, KTH, Luleå University of Technology, OP5, RISE, Swedish Modules, Swegon Operations