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Seminars and Events at automatic control

All seminars are held at the Department of Automatic Control, in the seminar room M 3170-73 on the third floor in the M-building, unless stated otherwise.


Seminar by Prof. Wen-Hua Chen: Dual Control for High Levels of Automation in Uncertain Environments


From: 2023-06-12 13:15 to 14:00
Place: Seminar Room M 3170-73 at Dept. of Automatic Control, LTH
Contact: anders [dot] rantzer [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se

The department of Automatic Control is happy to announce a seminar by Prof. Wen-Hua Chen from Loughborough University, UK

Date & Time: June 12th, 13:15-14:00
Where: Seminar Room M 3170-73 at Dept. of Automatic Control, LTH
Title: Dual Control for High Levels of Automation in Uncertain Environments
Speaker: Prof. Wen-Hua Chen, Loughborough University, UK

Abstract (Wen-Hua):                 
For a system operating in an unknown or changing environment, it isdesirable to design a control system to keep it always operating atits best possible performance (e. g. in terms of productivity orefficiency). This talk introduces a new approach, namely dual controlfor exploitation and exploration (DCEE), to this type ofself-optimisation control problems. In this framework, the controlaction not only drives a system moving towards a believed optimaloperational condition, but also aims to reduce the uncertainty of thebelief by actively exploring the unknown environment. Autonomoussearch of the source of airborne dispersion using a robot and maximumpower point tracking in solar farming are used as case studies toillustrate the proposed DCEE approach. The link with classic controlapproaches is also discussed.                        

Dr Wen-Hua Chenholds Professor in Autonomous Vehicles in the Department ofAeronautical and Automotive Engineering at Loughborough University,UK. Prof. Chen has a considerable experience in control, signalprocessing and artificial intelligence and their applications inaerospace, automotive and agriculture systems. In the last 20 years,he has been working on the development and application of unmannedaircraft system and intelligent vehicle technologies, spanningautopilots, situational awareness, decision making, verification,remote sensing for precision agriculture and environment monitoring.He is a Chartered Engineer, and a Fellow of IEEE, the Institution ofMechanical Engineers and the Institution of Engineering andTechnology, UK. Prof Chen current holds a 5-years EPSRC (theEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) EstablishedCareer Fellowship in developing control theory for robotics andautonomous systems.