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FRTN85/FRTN80 - Applied Robotics/Applied Robotics for Architects

Tillämpad robotik, 7.5 hp / Tillämpad robotik för arkitekter, 7.5 hp

Syllabus (FRTN85) | Syllabus (FRTN80) | CEQ (FRTN85) CEQ (FRTN80) CEQ (FRTF20) | Schedule 2024


  • Canvas-page (Link),  
  • Lecture 1
    • Please note that the first lecture on Tuesday Sep. 3, 2024, 10.15-12 will be held in room MA:3 (Annex of the Maths building, Sölvegatan 20).
    • Course program 2024 (pdf)

Official Course Syllabus

General Information

FRTN85 elective for: D4-mai, E4, F4, I4, M4-me, M4-prr, MD4, Pi4, MPRR2, MMSR2

FRTN80 compulsory for: MAEF2 and elective for: A4

Language of instruction: The courses will be given in English

FRTN80 – Applied Robotics


The purpose of the course is to give basic knowledge in industrial robotics where theory is applied on industrial applied problems. The purpose is to provide an understanding on how theory within the subject of the course can be applied in a practical way from an engineering point of view to create models for analysis, simulation and programming, and create solutions on problems which focus on efficient use of robots in industry.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

  • be able to understand characteristic features of robots and their significance when used in industrial processes
  • be able to explain and use methods for modelling and analysis of kinematics of robots
  • be able to model robot systems for simulation and modelling
  • be able to design a robot system for (industrial) use with respect to given requirement specification
  • be able to critically assess a design and the features of a robot system for use in an industrial setting.

Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must

  • be able to solve direct and inverse kinematics problems for a given robot structure
  • be able to model a robot system and perform simulations and produce robot programs of the system
  • be able to produce and present a design solution of a robot system for a given task
  • be able to present, orally and in writing, suggested solutions on given tasks.


The course covers fundamental aspects of robotics for industrail use and focuses, in principle, on three problem areas: (1) Modelling of robots, (2) Programming and simulation of robots and (3) Design and development of robots in  e.g, manufacturing systems. The problem areas are defined in more detail at the start of each course. Within the problem areas, the following will in general be studied: characteristic features of robots with emphasis on the use in industry, programming and methods used in calibration and simulation, modelling and analysis of robot structures, use of robots in industry with adaptation and integration to processes, end-effectors and tools, safety and peripherals. The following teaching elements are included:

  • Lecture series with basic robotic concepts to be applied in exercises and project work.
  • Exercises with handins for kinematic modelling of robots (individual), simulations and robot programming (individual), and a course project developing a robot system or robot application (in groups).
  • Laboration and study visit or guest lecturer.

Examination details

Grading scale: TH - (U,3,4,5) - (Fail, Three, Four, Five)
Assessment: The course includes compulsory individual assignments and a course project performed in groups. To pass the course (grade 3) students need to successfully complete the assignments and the project. For higher grades (4 and 5), a written examination is also required.

The examiner, in consultation with Disability Support Services, may deviate from the regular form of examination in order to provide a permanently disabled student with a form of examination equivalent to that of a student without a disability.


Assumed prior knowledge: FRTF05 Automatic Control, Basic Course
The number of participants is limited to: 60
Selection: Completed university credits within the programme. Priority is given to students enrolled on programmes that include the course in their curriculum.
The course overlaps following course/s: MMKF15, MMT150, FRTF20

Reading list

  • Compendia and course materials which is available via Canvas, during the course.

FRTN80 – Applied Robotics for Architects


The purpose of the course is to provide basic knowledge in industrial robotics where the theory is applied within architectural design processes. The course aims to provide an understanding of how robotics can be used for the production and maintenance of the built environment, as well as increase the ability to translate CAD models into robot programs for the production and manipulation of physical media, and how robots can contribute to the design process and sustainability.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
For a passing grade the student must

  • understand the characteristics of robots and their importance when used in industrial processes,
  • understand how robotic systems can be designed for simulation and programming,
  • understand how the design of a robot system affects an architectural design process.

Competences and skills
For a passing grade the student must

  • model and simulate robotic systems,
  • produce and present a design project made with robotic systems as tools,
  • report, through oral and written argumentation, proposed solutions to problems posed.

Judgement and approach
For a passing grade the student must

  • show ability to choose tools in relation to the architectural creation.
  • show a critical attitude to how the tools affect the design process.


The course presents basic aspects of robotics for use in design processes and principally focuses on three problem areas: (1) modeling of robots, (2) programming and simulation of robots, and (3) designing robotic systems, for example focused on manufacturing systems with robots. The problem areas are defined more specifically before each course. Within the problem areas, as a rule, the following parts will be studied: properties and modes of operation with special emphasis on architectural use, programming and methods for calibration and simulation, modeling and analysis of robot structures, the robot's use in industry with adaptations and integration to processes, grips and tools, security, and peripherals. The course includes the following teaching elements:

  • Lecture series focusing on the use of robots in construction and manufacturing processes as well as the project work that the students should carry out.
  • Exercises with assignments to be completed highlighting modeling of robotic systems and issues linked to feedback and calibration (individual), and a project for designing robotic systems within a design task (in group).
  • Laboration and study visit or guest lecturer.

Examination details

Grading scale: UG - (U,G) - (Fail, Pass)
Assessment: Approved project and exercise assignments as well as mandatory attendance at briefings.

The examiner, in consultation with Disability Support Services, may deviate from the regular form of examination in order to provide a permanently disabled student with a form of examination equivalent to that of a student without a disability.


Assumed prior knowledge: ASEF01 Programming for Architects
The number of participants is limited to: 30
Selection: Completed university credits within the programme. Priority is given to students enrolled on programmes that include the course in their curriculum. Among these students priority is given to those in the master's programme in Digital Architecture and Emergent Futures, for whom the course is compulsory.
The course overlaps following course/s: MMKF15, MMT150, FRTF20

Reading list

Compendia and other material such as software and films are available on the Canvas page of the course.

Contact and other information

Course coordinator: Björn Olofsson,