Seminars and Events at automatic control
All seminars are held at the Department of Automatic Control, in the seminar room M 3170-73 on the third floor in the M-building, unless stated otherwise.
Seminar by Prof. Robin De Keyser
2024-03-14 15:30
Place: Seminar Room M 3170-73 at Dept. of Automatic Control, LTH
Contact: kristian [dot] soltesz [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se
Date & Time: March 14, 15:30-16:30
Location: Seminar Room M 3170-73 at Dept. of Automatic Control, LTH
Speaker: Robin De Keyser, Ghent University
Title: ShorterRelay Test … Better PID Tuning
This yearmarks 40 years since Aström & Hägglund published theirgroundbreaking article on the relay-based PID autotuner (Automatica1984). In theiroriginal approach, a basic relay test leads - after steady stateoscillation - to a simple method for finding one point of the processfrequency response (FR).Thisinformation then allows to tune a PID controller such that the loopFR goes through a suitably specified point in the Nyquist plane, e.g.using the ZN, GM or PM tuning approach.
In ourapproach, a similar basic relay test is used but it takes less time:it is stopped when steady state oscillation starts.Using asimple approach, we are then able to estimate the location of onepoint of the process FR aswell as the slope of the FR in that point. Thisinformation then allows to use the KC tuning approach, which is basedon ideas of sensitivity function and complementary sensitivityfunction. Thisusually leads to much improved PID performance for many typicalprocesses, such as processes with overdamped as well as underdampeddynamics, big deadtime, inverse response, damped oscillatory as wellas highly oscillatory dynamics. The improvement is particularlynotable on integrating processes.
Brief Biography:
Robin DeKeyser graduated with a MSc degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineeringand obtained a PhD degree in Control Engineering. He is currentlyemeritus professor of Control Engineering at the Faculty ofEngineering and Architecture, Ghent University, Belgium. His researchactivities are in model predictive control, autotuning and adaptivecontrol, modeling and simulation, system identification, computeraided control systems design and signal processing. The research isapplication-driven, with many pilot implementations in technical andnon-technical systems, amongst others mechatronic, energy,semiconductor, power electronics, chemical, food, steel, marine,logistics and biomedical engineering. Being one of the pioneers whoproduced the original concepts of predictive control during the1980’s, he developed and implemented the EPSAC predictive controlstrategy and is mentioned as inventor in patents concerningindustrial applications of this method. He was awarded with 2 DoctorHonoris Causa titles.