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Seminars and Events at automatic control

All seminars are held at the Department of Automatic Control, in the seminar room M:2112B on the second floor in the M-building, unless stated otherwise.


MSc, Nils Hallerfelt and Axel Andersson: Data Augmentation for Object Detection using Deep Reinforcement Learning


From: 2024-01-25 13:15 to 14:00
Place: Seminar Room M 3170-73 at Dept. of Automatic Control, LTH
Contact: albin [dot] heimerson [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se

Date & Time: January 25th, 13:15-14:00
Location: Seminar Room M 3170-73 at Dept. of Automatic Control, LTH
Author: Nils hallerfelt and Axel Andersson
Title: Data Augmentation for Object Detection using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Supervisor: , Albin Heimersson, LTH, Joel Sjöbom and Robin Svensson - AXIS
Examiner: Johan Eker, LTH

Abstract: Join us for an exploration of our master thesis! Our focus? Investigating whether a Deep Reinforcement Learning agent can effectively select data augmentation functions to improve object detection modelsin computer vision. Our project sheds light on the nuances of data augmentation and its impact on model performance. The proposed method shows promising results, enhancing the performance of the model compared to traditional methods. We welcome you to joinour presentation, where we'll share insights and discuss future work.