Seminars and Events at automatic control
All seminars are held at the Department of Automatic Control, in the seminar room M 3170-73 on the third floor in the M-building, unless stated otherwise.
AI* Nordic Powwow 2024 in Lund

2024-05-16 09:30
Place: AF-borgen, Sandgatan 2, Lund Sweden
Contact: Jonas [dot] Wisbrant [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se
Now open for registration.
In May 2019 AI* Nordic Powwow filled Lundagård with 550 curious and knowledgeable AI-interested persons. In May 2023 we came back after the pandemic. Now, on 16th May 2024, we will celebrate the third AI*Nordic Powwow in Lund.
AF-borgen in central Lund is booked and we expect interesting and mind-blowing talks and discussions. There will be a joint track during the morning session followed by an afternoon with thematic tracks on different topics. Dinner and entertainment in the evening.
When: 16 May 8.00 to 24.00
Where: AF-borgen, Sandgatan 2, Lund, Sweden
Speakers in the joint morning session
- Jan Erik Solem, Founder of the companies Polar Rose and Mapillary which were then sold to Apple and Facebook respectively.
- Lilian Edwards, Internationally recognized expert and professor (Newcastle University, Alan Turing Institute and Ada Lovelace Institute) who has worked on AI law since 1985.
- David Kaye, Former UN rapporteur for "Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression". Expert on how the internet and AI can be used to promote/prevent democracy and freedom of expression.
- Mats Persson, Responsible for Swedish research and education in the role of Minister of Education. PhD in economic history from Lund University.
Spoken language: Some tracks will be in Swedish and some tracks will be in English.
Cost: 3.295 – 3.595 SEK
Public web site for program and registration: Version in English will come.
Contact at Lund University
AI Lund via